Getting a Job in Calgary as a Boilermaker

boiler maker jobs calgary

We currently have no listings for Boilermaker Jobs in Calgary.

A construction boilermaker is one of the most sought after construction jobs in Canada because of the salary. A boilermaker is a construction worker who has been trained to manufacture steel fabrications from sections and plates.  They are seen working in different parts of construction sites especially when bridges are built or mining equipment is used. There are numerous boilermakers in Canada who are employed in different construction areas, such as re-piping, repairing, re-tubing of commercial steam and hot water boilers that are used for domestic heating in buildings.

The workers are governed by a body that ensures they are tested, certified and capable of performing any of their functions and roles. Their testing processes are rigorous to ensure safety. They must go through an apprenticeship program that involves 4 years paid while they are being trained. There are also other requirements to become a construction boilermaker in Canada. The person must be over 18 years old, have a high school diploma or its equivalent, and must attend a technical training school to ensure that they are perfect in their work. This training includes the fitting, boiler-making and welding of tubes. They are highly needed in construction projects like mining, constructing of bridges and other appendages around the country.


Boiler Maker Jobs

calgary boilermaker jobs

The hourly rate of a construction boilermaker varies from one province or region in Canada to another. Some provinces pay up to $41.08 per hour. For one who wants to be a construction boilermaker, the person must be able to read and write, and understand the processes that are involved in each job. Mostly men perform this job in the construction industry.

Eluta Listings for Calgary Boilermaker Jobs

Simply Hired Job Listings for Calgary Boilermaker Jobs